


tams.track(contours_sets, times, *, overlap_threshold=0.5, u_projection=0, durations=None, look='back', largest=False, overlap_norm=None)#

Assign group IDs to the CEs identified at each time, returning a single CE frame.

Currently this works by: for each CE at the current time step, searching for a “parent” from the previous time step by computing overlap with all previous CEs.

  • contours_sets (list[geopandas.GeoDataFrame]) – List of identified contours, in GeoDataFrame format.

  • times – Timestamps associated with each identified set of contours.

  • overlap_threshold (float) – In [0, 1] (i.e., fractional), the overlap threshold.

  • u_projection (float) – Zonal projection velocity, to project previous time step CEs by before computing overlap. 5–13 m/s are typical magnitudes to use. For AEWs, a negative value should be used.

  • durations – Durations associated with the times in times (akin to the time resolution). If not provided, they will be estimated using times[1:] - times[:-1].

  • look (str) – (time) direction in which we “look” and compute overlaps, linking CEs in time.

  • largest (bool) – Only the largest CE continues a track.

  • overlap_norm (str | None) – Passed to overlap(). Default is to use child area ( 'a' for look='back', 'b' for look='forward' ), i.e. the CE at the later of the two times.

Return type
