


These functions make up the core of the TAMS algorithm:

tams.identify(ctt, *[, size_filter, ...])

Identify clouds in 2-D (lat/lon) or 3-D (lat/lon + time) cloud-top temperature data ctt.

tams.track(contours_sets, times, *[, ...])

Assign group IDs to the CEs identified at each time, returning a single CE frame.


Classify the CE groups into MCS classes, adding a categorical 'mcs_class' column to the input frame.

The helper function tams.run() combines the above plus additional processing, including computing stats on gridded data within the identified cloud element regions.

tams.run(ds, *[, parallel, u_projection, ...])

Run all TAMS steps, including precip assignment.

Lower level functions used in the above include:


Compute the (first) eccentricity of the least-squares best-fit ellipse to the coordinates of the polygon's exterior.

tams.contours(x, value, *[, unstructured])

Find contour definitions for data x at value value.

tams.data_in_contours(data, contours, *[, ...])

Compute statistics on data within the shapes of contours.

tams.overlap(a, b, *[, norm])

For each contour in a, determine those in b that overlap and by how much.

tams.project(df, *[, u, dt])

Project the coordinates by u * dt meters in the x direction.



Load the example derived satellite brightness temperature data.


Load the example MPAS dataset.


Load the example MPAS unstructured grid dataset.

tams.load_mpas_precip(paths, *[, parallel])

Derive a TAMS input dataset from post-processed MPAS runs for the PRECIP field campaign.

tams.data.download_examples(*[, clobber])

Download the example datasets.


Load the example satellite infrared radiance data.

tams.data.tb_from_ir(r, ch)

Compute brightness temperature from IR satellite radiances (r) in channel ch of the EUMETSAT MSG SEVIRI instrument.


tams.plot_tracked(cs, *[, alpha, ...])

Plot CEs at a range of times (colors) with CE group ID (MCS ID) identified.